target audience: TECH BUYER  Publication date: Aug 2021 - Document type: Tech Buyer Presentation - Doc  Document number: # US48005421

The CIO's Guide to Future Enterprise: Future Enterprise Planning Guide

By:  Meredith Whalen Loading


  • 44 slides

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This IDC Tech Buyer Presentation is part of IDC's Future Enterprise Planning Guide series. Each module delivers key overviews, targeted advice, and peer insights to guide users through key parts of the digital transformation (DX) process.

Expect Continued Demands for Radical Change

Tactical and strategic priorities for business and technology leaders have shifted from enabling steady change to delivering radical change in short periods of time.

Organizations already digitally transforming before the COVID-19 pandemic were better able to quickly respond; they are now poised to emerge from the crisis less scathed than companies without a digital strategy foundation. The most successful COVID-19 responses were seen in agile companies that had forged an ecosystem of partners that could help expedite their responses.

This IDC Planning Guide provides CIOs with a unified view of IDC's "Future Enterprise" research areas and targeted strategic advice to move forward toward the digital future in the post-pandemic world. Plans for the future enterprise are built around new, reprioritized agendas with key areas of focus tied to business outcomes, resilient operations, and pervasive experiences:

  • Addressing new customer requirements
  • Developing new capabilities
  • Building new cloud-centric digital IT infrastructures and ecosystems

Aim for an Agile and Resilient Organization

IDC believes that digital resiliency — the ability for an organization to rapidly adapt to business disruptions by leveraging digital capabilities to not only restore business operations but also capitalize on the changed conditions — must be a key objective in every organization's DX efforts. Digital resiliency is a central tenet of the future enterprise — IDC's vision for the end state of DX.

As Meredith Whelan, chief research officer, notes: "Resiliency is key. Recent pandemic disruption has increased the urgency of addressing digital transformation requirements across all businesses. Digitally resilient organizations can more quickly adapt to a disruption and are able to accelerate under the new market conditions."


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