target audience: TECH BUYER  Publication date: Sep 2021 - Document type: IDC TechBrief - Doc  Document number: # US45736720

IDC TechBrief: Headless Digital Commerce

By:  Jordan Jewell


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This IDC TechBrief provides business and IT leaders with an executive snapshot of headless digital commerce applications, their impact on driving sales and improving customer experience, and the value they bring to online merchants through successful adoption.

"Headless digital commerce applications have become one of the hottest topics in the digital commerce space. To an outsider, it would appear that headless commerce can solve every problem an online merchant faces," says Jordan Jewell, research director, Digital Commerce at IDC. "While headless commerce systems can provide a lot of benefits, there are also key considerations that B2B and B2C merchants should make before going down the headless commerce path. These merchant considerations include whether they have the skills on hand to support this technology stack, whether they want a fully modular approach with many best-of-breed vendors, and what the actual costs and benefits will be of this architectural approach. If architected and implemented correctly, headless digital commerce platforms can assist online sellers in differentiating from their competition and accelerating business growth."


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