target audience: TECH SUPPLIER  Publication date: Nov 2022 - Document type: Taxonomy - Doc  Document number: # EUR249840322

IDC's Worldwide Telecom Services Taxonomy, 2022

By:  Kresimir Alic Loading


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This IDC Taxonomy provides a comprehensive overview of the definitions used for measuring telecom services markets across the globe. The top-level methodology used to research these markets is also outlined in the study. The taxonomy summaries the segmentation used throughout the IDC Worldwide Telecom Services Tracker, which includes service access type and end-user type. The study also outlines the metrics used in the tracker and its add-ons — service connections, traffic generated on those service connections, and associated spending by users. Other key indicators published include service penetration levels and ARPU calculations.

"IDC's Worldwide Telecom Services Taxonomy provides a standard and consistent guide for our analysts located across the globe who research telecom services markets at a country level. These markets have to be assessed from the bottom up as they are all different. It is therefore essential to have a foundation taxonomy study that evolves with the markets over time." — Research Director Kresimir Alic, Worldwide Telecom Services


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