target audience: TECH SUPPLIER  Publication date: Mar 2023 - Document type: Market Presentation - Doc  Document number: # EUR150425523

Customer Listening & Engagement Adoption in the Enterprise

By:  Van Valdez


  • 11 slides

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This IDC Market Presentation discusses customer listening & engagement (CLE), a system of technologies that enables organizations to deliver optimized customer experiences in direct response to customer signals in real time. The approach relies on four components that operate in a unified interconnected system: an exhaustive signal gathering suite, a consolidated single version of the truth, continuous and real-time analysis, as well as decisioning, orchestration, and engagement. IDC research indicates that adoption of these components is currently piecemeal — in the majority of cases, each component is seen as an individual tool and implemented in isolation of each other, with the full benefits of a connected customer listening & engagement system not being realized.

"Vendors have an opportunity to serve as thought leaders to educate buyers on the benefits of investing in a fully connected customer listening & engagement system. Crucially, with CLE component adoption currently fragmented, there are many different adoption paths vendors must help buyers on in developing a complete CLE infrastructure," said Van Valdez, associate research director, European Customer Experience.


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