IDC Energy Insights: Worldwide Energy and Water Plants and Networks Strategies

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Meet the Experts

Photo of Gaia Gallotti
Gaia Gallotti

Research Director, Europe

Photo of Jean-François Segalotto
Jean-François Segalotto

Senior Associate Advisor, IDC Energy Insights, EMEA

Energy and digital technologies are radically transforming utilities’ asset operations and strategies. Renewables and decentralized power generation, energy delivery networks (electricity, gas, and heat), and water and wastewater management benefit from the developments and adoption of IoT, AI, and digital twins, as well as the progressive convergence of IT and operational technology. The IDC Energy Insights: Worldwide Energy and Water Plants and Networks Strategies service focuses on all these. It provides guidance to end users in terms of digital transformation (DX) use case road maps, analysis of emerging IT trends, and evaluation of technology providers in this space. It also looks into the future of work in the context of the technical life cycle of utility assets. At the same time, it provides technology vendors a view on utilities' operational excellence asset strategies addressing their go to market.


This service develops unique analysis and comprehensive data through IDC Energy Insights' proprietary research projects, along with ongoing communications with industry experts, utility management, ICT vendors, and service providers. With decades of experience in the utility industry, our analysts leverage a broad spectrum of expertise and intellectual property from both IDC and IDC Energy Insights. Research documents elucidate business strategy, best practices, technology selection, and vendor assessment, along with short perspectives on topical issues. To ensure relevance, our analysts work with subscribers to identify and prioritize specific topics to be covered in research documents.

Topics Addressed

Throughout the year, this service will address the following topics:

  • Key industry and technologies trends facing utilities in relation to asset strategies and operation, including trends related to electrification of demand, decarbonization of operations, sustainability, and circularity
  • Digital transformation uses cases related to asset strategies and operation, including work transformation use cases
  • How asset operations evolve, improve performance, and reduce costs by leveraging innovative technologies and approaches such as big data and analytics, AI, IoT, drones, cloud, and integrated work and asset management platforms, as well as asset life cycle-aligned processes and workflows
  • Opportunities and challenges associated with IT and operational technology choices within utilities' asset-centric operations
  • IT and operational technologies integration and governance
  • Best practices and case studies related to asset operations excellence
  • IDC MarketScape evaluating technologies and providers servicing global utility asset operations

Key Questions Answered

Our research addresses the following issues that are critical to your success:

  1. What are the key market and technology trends facing utilities in relation to asset strategies and operations?
  2. How are energy transition and sustainability imperatives affecting how utilities operate and manage their assets?
  3. How are utilities responding to the opportunities and challenges associated with IT and operational technology choices within their asset-centric operations?
  4. What technologies are key to the future of utilities business, with specific focus on asset life cycles across the different segments of the value chain from generation to distribution?
  5. How can utilities adapt to change, improve performance, and reduce costs by leveraging innovative technologies and approaches such as analytics, AI, IoT, drones, cloud and integrated work, and asset management platforms, as well as asset life cycle-aligned processes and workflows?

Who Should Subscribe

IDC Energy Insights: Worldwide Energy and Water Plants and Networks Strategies service targets IT and business managers in utilities and vendors interested in reaping the potential of cutting-edge technology affecting the energy landscape across asset-centric value-chain segments. Senior executives will find value in the service's unique insights addressing the interaction of physical assets with innovation in the domain of IT.