target audience: TECH SUPPLIER  Publication date: Sep 2023 - Document type: IDC Survey Spotlight - Doc  Document number: # US51260423

Returns Tops the List of Retail Supply Chain Investments

By:  Jordan K. Speer Loading


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This IDC Survey Spotlight shows the focus by retailers on getting a handle on the profit-eroding and planet-trashing problem of returns.

Returns not managed optimally can represent an octuple loss: the first-sale revenue; the lost opportunity to sell that returned item to someone else if it's not quickly put back into inventory; the lost opportunity to sell something else to the returnee; the permanent loss of an unhappy customer; the "why" of the return that can be fed back into design and development; the labor and natural resources, from raw materials to carbon to water, that made and moved a product that no one even used; and the loss of revenue and profitability.


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