target audience: TECH SUPPLIER  Publication date: May 2023 - Document type: IDC Survey Spotlight - Doc  Document number: # US50603823

How Different Is Regional Demand for Location Data?

By:  Lynne Schneider Loading


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This IDC Survey Spotlight provides analysis of the results from more than 500 global representatives of enterprises that source external data. Conducted in April 2023, IDC's Data as a Service and Data Marketplaces Survey covered a wide range of issues about the purchase and utilization of external data.

"IDC's survey data shows that the majority of enterprises are using location data in their processes and analyses. Whether it is solely data that they gathered themselves or in combination with externally sourced data, more and more is being put into use across a wide variety of use cases," according to Lynne Schneider, research director of IDC's Location and Geospatial Intelligence area. "The appetite for this data is robust across the globe, and the time is right to showcase data and larger location and geospatial intelligence platforms."


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